- conan's general behaviour, so drunk he doesn't remember anything, truly Londons last living punk and first crowd surfer in the house!
- Lovvers doing a Descendents cover and generally tearing through the best set i've seen them do!
- Nina's mix cd when it got to Black Sabbaths 'War Pigs', the whole room raised the roof on that shit.
First up was Weird Nest which is Chrissie from Cuckoos Nest with Philly Kev from Weird Love doing a slightly improv stoner set with the BIGGEST RIFFS of the night.
Next up were Black Time who are on the amazing In the Red Records, and have that stripped down sexy punk rock n roll feel to them with a slight power pop edge, amazing! Matthew even wore sunglasses in true rock spirit even though it was dark inside! Excellent choice.
With their K records baritone drawl and indie punk surf twang Graffiti Island stepped up to slay the increasing crowd, i was slayed enough by pete's amazing jumper!
then lastly we had Lovvers, who had the audience surrounding them ready to be slayed! pretty much my favourite show of the year, it seemed like they played every song in their arsenal with a great Descendents cover, Holy Fuck!!! If you check out the pictures on Neon Party (under the date 24.11.07 Hardcore) you will see pictures of Conans crowd surf, his grabbing of the mic repeatedly and his taking out of henry mid song! Amazing on every level.
casualty of war