Monday, 6 April 2009

Holiday - Day #3 'Nice Day For A White Wedding'

The day of the wedding, which was constantly threatened by rainstorms, but only rained for an hour, letting the wedding go ahead without a hitch! My brother was happy with the result ( and the breakfast).


There is always the chance a beach wedding could look cheesy like the ones you sometimes see on bad late night uncovered programmes, but this was the most amazing set up i have ever seen, far away from the usual wedding, literally raising the bar for all future weddings, so fucking amazing.


Rolf, my new brother in law, maintained a full suit and jacket through the brutality of the heat, and looked awesome walking down to the garden, with a procession of traditional dancing thai girls, and chanting thai warrior type dudes.


I had to sit with my mother, Rolf and his best man in front of the wedding party whilst we watched the traditional thai dancing girls do their stuff. Thankfully it did not include any bangkok shenanigans but kinda went on forever. At least i got a seat, result.


During the ceremony on the beach, it was pretty much perfection, with the two of them giggling at each other and it was miles away from the stiff english trad ceremony, well done mr and mrs strut-lewendon. My sister looked amazing, and i was lucky enough to walk her down the aisle, scary times!

the happy couple, with champers galore!!


And then to complete the day, we had 5 courses of the best food i've had in years, and we all lit these amazing lamps that fly off into the night sky, but the camera died before that point, or the free bar was taken advantage of! I fell in love with the screwdrivers that had grenadine in them. A few of them, some champagne and a load of tequilla sunrise's will always make for a good reception. And yes, ol' softy did well up more than once. I also cried once during home and away, but i'm not proud of that.


My sister calls me matty moo, i call her stinky puff, you decide who comes off worse in a crowded environment.

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