Thursday, 23 August 2007

jesus don't want me for a sunbeam

solo after work record shopping is no fun in the rain, so lucky for me i bumped into emmy who had just bought this amazing SHINING t-shirt , i would love to have this tee but was happy in the black metal tshirt/book i had just bought in NOG (comprehensive but expensive art/zine shop), and the new records i had just bought in ROUGH TRADE (everyone buy INVASION, spanish punk with ultra delayed vox or any record by NO AGE).
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it felt weird buying my burger from a guy behind plexi-glass, maybe he gets robbed alot for his grilled corn on the cob, or misses his previous banking job. The burger and wedges were good though, perfect pre band practice fodder.
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Practice numero deux for WRISTS, i think it went well due to the posi vibes being kicked out by Robins freshly delivered NO AGE bandana!and the fact that our new studio looks like we have an old pub carpet on the wall, so we must drink to that!

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
plus in our basement, we have loads of empty rooms, which although it looks like something out of a horror film ( dark, flickering lights, weird empty rooms), its awesome for a quick skate between songs whilst having a ciggie break. Conans tail slide skills keeping the boys amused.
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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